Coming Soon: Up In The Air.

Genre : Drama - Romance - Comedy - Adult
Production : Paramount Pictures
Homepage :
Duration : 109 minutes

Cast and Crew

Cast : George Clooney
Vera Farmiga
Anna Kendrick
Amy Morton
Jason Bateman
Sam Elliott
Director : Jason Reitman
Producer : Daniel Dubiecki, Jeffrey Clifford, Ivan Reitman, Jason Reitman
Writer : Sheldon Turner
Jason Reitman


Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) adalah orang yang bepergian ke berbagai tempat di seluruh dunia dan mengatur proses PHK atas nama bos-bos yang terlalu pengecut untuk melakukannya sendiri. Ryan menjalani kehidupan yang bebas, dia jarang mengunjungi keluarganya dan lebih suka hidup sendiri. Dalam perjalanannya, Dia bertemu Alex (Vera Farmiga) dan Natalie Keener (Anna Kendrick). Masuknya mereka berdua dalam kehidupannya membuatnya mempertanyakan kembali pandangan hidupnya.

Film ini sebenarnya sudah diputar di USA pada 23 Desember 2009. Dan sudah banyak memenangkan penghargaan bergengsi,seperti di ajang golden globe award, Critics Choice Award, Satellite Award. dan masih banyak lainnya. Tak ketinggalan, Up In The Air juga dinominasikan di ajang paling prestisius di jagad hoolywood, yaitu di Oscar.
Rincian award film ini antara lain : Dinominasikan untuk 6 oscar, menang 42 kali dan nominasi 51 lainnya.

Bagi anda yang menyukai film dengan genre drama yang memikat, tidak ada salahnya anda menonton film ini di bioskop terdekat, film ini semakin kuat dengan adanya aktor hebat seperti George Clooney yang sudah kita tahu kapasitasnya sebagai aktor profesional.

Jadi, selamat menonton.


Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) is a person who Traveled to various places around the world and set the termination process on behalf of the bosses who are too Cowardly to do it yourself. Ryan lived a free life, he seldom visited his family and prefer to live alone. In his journey, he meets Alex (Vera Farmiga) and Natalie Keener (Anna Kendrick). The entry of two of them in his life made him question the back view of life.

This film actually played in the USA on December 23, 2009. And has won many prestigious awards, such as in the arena Golden Globe Award, Critics Choice Award, Satellite Award. and many more. Not to forget, Up In The Air was also nominated in the most prestigious event in the universe hoolywood, namely the Oscar.
The details of this movie award include: Nominated for 6 oscar, winning 42 times and 51 other nominations.

If you like the movie with a compelling drama genre, it never hurts you watch this movie at the nearest cinema, this film even more powerful by the great actors like George Clooney that we already know his capacity as a professional actor.

So, Happy Watching.



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